Tucson Container Corp (TCC)
Our three divisions function as a single business operating under one roof. We’re great at pooling our strengths on your behalf and creating a value chain that guarantees quality and speed to market. 即使经过多年的成功合作,那 commitment won’t change.
Since their inception, Tucson Container, Kino Packaging, 和基诺泡沫和板条箱已经把它的客户特别重视, people and technology. 一个恒定瓦楞纸箱制作工艺程序, ISO-9001 quality certification, U乐国际的人才确保运营和物流的连接100%正常工作,以满足客户快速变化的需求.
The Dream Lives On At TCC
造纸行业资深人士John Widera的理想工厂梦想在图森的图森集装箱公司(TCC)继续着, Arizona.
Widera将他对哥特式建筑和大教堂的看法融入到制造现实中. 图森集装箱公司(Tucson Container)的混凝土倾斜厂房就像一座有着引人注目的塔楼的城堡. 设施的外部以沙色装饰完成,与沙漠景观相辅相成. 令人印象深刻的半圆形堡垒入口(中殿)从墙上弯曲出来迎接游客. 图森集装箱(TCC)的入口长80英尺,高40英尺,直径40英尺. 这座高塔的独特之处在于它的墙壁形状像波纹单壁的凹槽. “Since we are in the corrugated box business, I wanted to convey that feeling to others,” said Widera. “The large entrance towers, some call ‘domed cathedrals’, U乐国际的大部分设施都在提醒U乐国际,U乐国际的员工是U乐国际高标准的捍卫者,是U乐国际企业文化和现有商业模式的资源效率的捍卫者,” said Widera. 他相信,今天和明天被授权的员工, whether suppliers or customers, 提供一个令人愉快的工作环境,让他们觉得自己是属于这里的,而且是特别的.
The Dream Lives On
In 1995, John constructed, next to a golf course, a 100,000-square-foot plant, Cal Box ll, in Rancho Cucamonga, California with the same architectural design. “很多快递公司都是在仓库里运营的,办公隔间很小. To me, architecture inspires our employees. Besides, aren’t we the product of our environment?” In 2000, Widera借此机会扩大了TCC的业务,在离图森国际机场几个街区的地方购买了17英亩的土地. In 2001, 图森集装箱完成了搬进新的500万美元, 150,000-square-foot building with its’ desert sand decor, and the massive 35 foot high outside concrete walls. 约翰设计的新工厂有宽敞的办公室,二楼还有一间顶层公寓.“In 2012, we purchased another 150,000 sq. ft. building in Mesa, Arizona. 在那里,U乐国际花了1200万美元安装了一台新的瓦楞机,以供应U乐国际自己的腐蚀纸. 这是亚利桑那州唯一全新的最先进的瓦楞纸机,”Widera指出. 几十年来,成功的秘诀从未改变——优秀的员工, smart use of limited capital, 像对待客户一样对待他们是U乐国际经营的唯一理由. They make it happen, not let it
happen. The script is out there. We just have to follow it.